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The Method of analysis of Sildenafil citrate Eq. to sildenafil citrate Tablets (Assay)

Examine: Determine by fluid chromatography

Dissolvable blend: 50 volumes of versatile stage and 50 volumes of methanol.

Test arrangement: Weigh and powder 20 tablets. Scatter an amount of powder containing around 50 mg of Sildenafil with 35 ml of dissolvable blend, sonicate for 20 minutes and weaken to 50.0 ml with the dissolvable blend, channel. Further weaken 5 ml to 50 ml with dissolvable blend buy liquid Sildenafil.

Reference solution:(Standard arrangement) : A 0.14 percent w/v arrangement of Sildenafil citrate RS in the dissolvable blend. Further weaken 5 ml to 50 ml with dissolvable blend.

Chromatographic framework

- Column : a hardened steel segment 25 cm x 4.6 mm, pressed with silica (5 µm) (Such as Zobrax Eclipse XBD C18),

- Mobile stage: a blend of 30 volumes of arrangement containing 3.85 g of ammonium acetic acid derivation and 1.0 ml of triethylamine in 1000 ml of water, conform to pH 5.5 with acidic corrosive and 70 volumes of methanol,

- Flow rate: 1 ml for every moment.

- Spectrophotometer set as 294 nm,

- Injection volume 20 µl.

Infuse the reference arrangement. The test isn't substantial except if the hypothetical plates isn't under 2000, the following variable isn't more than 2.0 and the relative standard deviation for duplicate infusions isn't more than 5.0 percept buy liquid sildenafil